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‹Kanopy› Watch Snowpiercer

‹Kanopy› Watch Snowpiercer



average ratings: 7,5 of 10 Star
281712 Vote
year: 2013
2 Hours 6 Minutes
Jean-Marc Rochette
Bong Joon Ho




Looked great until 1 minute in. This movie was amazing. This movie is amazing. 10/10 would definitely recommend. This was brilliant. Thank you for analyzing Snowpiercer. Abigail Breslin looks just like Scarlett Johanson in the thumbnail. The story doesn"t have a very solid base, but the acting and direction makes up for it imo. That last part about Curtis" cannabalism is so brilliant. Its sad that i go to know about this after i saw BTS - Spring Day MV where Ramonster mentioned it in the lyrics (english subs click cc button. I missed a lot. This movie is much more than just what it seems to show. It depicts how our world runs and how different people would pursue life. I see that this would be strongly misunderstood by many. We may have our own interpretation of it but that is how it makes it more intriguing & creatively abstract and special way to make people think about political and social inequality. Now i need to read about The Ones who walk away from Omelas. ????.

Totally unnecessary acapella rap. Besides it wasn"t even good. What I love about this film is the thought bubbles it created and stimulated in my mind. I wonder how the TV adaptation is going to work, when its set years after the events of this movie, and on another train. Still one of the absolute best movies I"ve ever seen. Also, most of the sins past 12:50 show you didn"t even understand the movie.

Just remember: there are more of us than there are of them, so show them your worst. Capatalism = imigration. Now that I know every aspect of the movie from start to finish I"ll definitely pay the price of admission. Snowpiercer starts out well to later become a huge pile of crap. I know it sounds harsh, but that"s exactly the truth. Of course, I see that it"s an allegory. That"s absolutely clear from about 40 mins into the movie. After a while they don"t even try to hide it, because they literally explain you the whole point of the movie. And even without that it"s an allegory, that"s not even hard to decode. Our society is bad, the rich and powerful live good and suck the blood of the poor they keep in the mud, while the middle class don"t do anything against it. Etc, etc. As the events of the movie go by, you realize: yeah, that meant that, this means this" and while this shouldn"t be a problem, sadly it is. Why? Because the movie doesn"t make any sense by on its own. I believe that if an artwork (movie, book, painting, sculpture, etc) works only as an allegory, and other than that it can"t work by on its own, then it worth nothing. If we took out the allegory of Snowpiercer, the only thing left, is a movie with full of plot holes, two-dimensional characters, ridiculously written dialogs and absolutely illogical behavior from everybody (and with this I don"t even criticize the surreal events, I criticize that the people don"t act like anybody would in their situation. All of this, because they tried so hard to give EVERYTHING a second meaning, they forgot to give sense of their first meaning.
I"m sure there will be some people, who"ll overlook all the flaws of Snowpicer, because they"ll feel the deeper meaning over-shines these. It"s good for them, but if you are not like that, avoid this movie at all costs.

Easily in my top 10 movies of all time list next to The Winter Soldier, another Chris Evans film. Noah had an ark, Wilford had a train. This trailer is too reaviling. I can especially see that now, after I watched the film, which was good btw. Not brilliant, but definitely good fun. I suggest making a movie based only on historical facts, about Vlad Tepes, not fictional Dracula. Educated enough to think for themselves, yet comfortable enough to be highly susceptible to propaganda. Damn bro.

Turn the subtitles on and wait for 0:15 seconds it"s brilliant. Didn"t really like the film. loved your analysis of it. made me see it in a different light. 2:43 they like damn where he come from.




‹Kanopy› Watch Snowpiercer
9.7 out of 10 stars - 685 votes